Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Spring break destinations

Spring Break Destinations - What are the top 3 Spring Break Destinations? So its thats time of the year again and you and your friends are skimming the internet for the best Spring Break Destinations to enjoy that last week off from classes before that end of the year push. Well below I will be identifying the top places to be this year and how to save money on travel and hotel prices.

  Spring Break Destinations - #3 South Beach, FL 
South beach is a more mature setting for vacation. The way it differs from the rest of the Spring break Destinations is that it is not pure hardcore partying all day. You are more likely to sip cocktails, martini's, and pina coladads on the beach than to be be upside don in a full keg stand. Most things down in South Beach are for a mature 21+ crowd and are great from couple and small group spring break trips. This is not to say a good time is not in the making. As beautiful a location as Miami is, it attracts star filled tourists who come to enjoy and party for the same reasons you have. If you go out to certain locations you are certain to run into a celebrity that can appreciate the great time that South Beach, FL has to off as a Spring Break

 Spring Break Destinations - #3 Panama City Beach, FL Panama City Beach, Florida For the southeast, Panama city beach has to be on the list for the Spring Break Destinations because of the large amount of people it draws week after week from the months February, March, and April. This location has lots of living space and beack space to hold the 250,000 spring breakers it sees every year. With multiple clubs, bars, and parties filled with loud music and fun all day. There is very little time to even think about being bored or taking a nap. A week here will be non stop insanity filled with you and your friends with the opportunity to visit the famous Club La Vela which holds a famous artist every weekend during the spring break period. It contains 11 themed rooms and room for more than 6,000 people including a pool area and beach access. 

Cancun_Mexico Cancun carries the torch as the top of the Spring Break Destinations list. This location rivals Daytona Beach in its country of its own. Not only do you get to leave the country, but you also get to do it at an affordable price. Mexico is very generous when it comes to the legal drinking age this is why so many college students are attracted along with the gain on exchange rate when leaving the country. So much sun light and some of the prettiest beaches in the world comfortably secures Cancun at the top of the list. The best part is even if you find yourself talking unclear or slurring your words from pure intoxication the locals will simply think you speak terrible Spanish! I myself have visited Panama City Beach myself for my college Spring Break destinations and enjoyed my time there. Getting there was not easy by any means. My roommates and I knew we wanted to finish school with a bang but didn't know where to go and how we were going to pay for it. We all ended up getting money the old fashioned way and barely skimming by and enjoying the trip but not as much as we wanted to because of the high costs for a place to stay, food, and transportation. So this year I told myself that it had to be a better way. And there was! I was approached with an opportunity by a college friend telling me about a company call Motor Club of America (MCA) that pays people $400-$1000+ commission every Friday to WORK FROM HOME by referring people to the company to make money doing the same thing. So I signed up and got involved because it seemed like a great opportunity to make money on the side from being on social networks like I normally do. Little did I know that this company would provide me with free trip planning for me and my buddies, Rental car discounts when we travel, and hotel discounts so we could afford to stay where we wanted. I didn't believe it, were people really making real money this way? Online? My friend showed my a video that revealed how true this really was. It showed an 18 year old high school graduate using a Simple 3-step Process with this opportunity to add $50,000 into his bank account in under 6 months while still recieving over $150,000 in benefits that included that trip planning, rental car, and hotel discounts. This was all I needed to see to make me want to make a change and also be able to afford the trip I wanted. Click on the link below to watch the same video I did and see exactly how the heck this kid made it happen. Chase Ultimate Rewards Contact: 864-551-9480 Email: info@gomcatoday.info   If you liked this article about the Best Spring Break Destinations Like, Comment, and Share this.